O.O randomness
Oh my gosh!! Four of your eggs are ready to hatch!! This is how you do it:
go to your party then find a egg that's ready to hatch, go all the way over to the right. Their should be a drop down option menu, click Hatch!!!!!1
>.< arghhhhh!!!! ive been waiting all week for them to hatch and this is all u have to do?!?! thnx for telling me^^
No problem :D Did you know their is a cat pokemon? it's called a Glameow I believe...
Yay! You're Ralts is really cute!
yay, watching you're back from your trip!!!
Oh my gosh!!!! that's so cool >.< you got a Bidoof egg^^ they're so cute
:OOOOO!!!! I love Tamora Pierce, Icemark chronicles and Dianna Wynne Jones...Howl's Moving Castle is one of my favorite books :O so is Cry of the Icemark!
ooooh... yah i know... mmmhm... glameow... do u know wat a vulpix eggie looks like? i really want a ninetails^^
!!!de Chrestomanci!!!
O.O Da icemark chronicles are really good :OO I'm so happy to finally meet someone that reads them...cause all my other friends have no idea what it is XD
Oh my gosh!! Bidoof eggs are super rare!! and the staff just hands them out randomly that one day, and you got rid of it!! :O but you have a vulpix egg already in your party^^
...Is this Aquaria on Jun's computer??
XD XD no, this is jun on jun's computer XD XD
REALLY??? bidoofs are RARE???? i see them ALL the time in the shelter!!!
*o* oh so both Jun and Aquaria like Icemark series?
They are not in the shelter all the time :O that's why they take twenty something thousand warming points to hatch :O!!!
*___* ok, i am seriously confused. aquaria is always on her account and I'm always on my account. we never switched or watever...
Aquaria, i never knew u liked the icemark series :OOO
no... sometimes im at your house and i use your account for a message cause im too lazy to log into mine. XD
O.O oh yeah...that's right XD XD hehheh, sorry, i forgot T___T
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