Saturday, July 4, 2009

In memory of Cyan: a tribute to my Best Friend Forever

my BFF for a looooooong time is moving today, on Independence day. im soooo sad. but Cyan, u were the best friend i could have. u understood my wierd craziness, u offered support, and above all, u were loyal. u didnt turn ur back, ever. thank u sooooo much. i am less... ummmmmmm.....
unAquaria-ish with u here. half of me is empty.
but u'll be here inside


Panic! with me. said...

thankies :]

Watching said...

awww...well at least you can keep in touch through the computer :( but it's still not the same.

Aquaria Longstream said...

yah.... T______T

Jun said...

Get...da da daaa: SKYPE!'s better