a blog about mythical adventures, snippets of info about such things, and sometimes just random thoughts/info mythical things!!!! ( dragons, fairies, sea serpents, etc.) animals + the environment! this blog also contains random craziness and gibberish
Sunday, November 1, 2009
got a nice big bag of candy, all very yummy.cant wait to eat until a)i die of heart palpitations from too much sugar b) all my teeth fall out and c) the candys gone. ....xD yeah going to have lots of fun pigging out lol
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
cant wait!!! going to go trick or teating with raven. and have a sleep over!!! :D yaaaaay.... im going as a cat demon spirit thing.....
Friday, October 23, 2009
i just realized that i havent posted in a billion yrs..... facebook is taking up all meh time... i got an account recently ^^ but i will continue to update, just not as frequently :P
Thursday, October 8, 2009
mini vacation :D
yaaaay!!! five day weekend! my school is haveing conferences on thurs and fri, then sat and sun is the weekend, and then mon is columbus day so no school again. YAAAAY...... lots of nothing to catch up on :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
fairy tail
like a lotta ppl know, manga is awsome. I used to only read claymore (and just a tad of kitchen princess) but now i found a manga thats pretty good. 's called fairy tail. Its about magic, and wizards, and blah blah blah, but its cool that way. So far my fave characters are a) kana alberona, b) gray fullbuster (yah i know hes not wearing a shirt but thats cause hes really used to being in the cold and stuff so he gets overheated and randomly takes his clothes off) and c
) erza scarlet.

(does erza not look awsome?) click on the pics for a better view :P
Sunday, September 27, 2009
to junnie
u know the squiby thingys? well, i adopted a new one called claria. the creator has these AWESOME winged horses/ hippogryphs that i KNOW u will love. just click on claria, then click on the gray 'adopt" in the sentence. itll send u to "sunblobbies" page, wid da cool horsies. for anyone else, squiby has cute thingys. go and adopt some^^
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
???cat blog???
so, what do u guys think of me creating a second blog just about cats? u know, cat breeds, lots of cat pics, funny cat stuff, cat websites, songs, la dee da dee da, all that good stuff. some cat polls, cats, more cats, games, etc. give mew your opinion!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
a good, honest quote.
by Carol Wimmer
When I say..."I am a Christian
"I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I get lost!"
"That is why I chose this way.
"When I say..."I am a Christian"
don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need someone to be my guide.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and pray for strength to carry on.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
and cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
my flaws are too visible
but God believes I'm worth it.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
which is why I seek His name.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved.
by Carol Wimmer
When I say..."I am a Christian
"I'm not shouting "I am saved"
I'm whispering "I get lost!"
"That is why I chose this way.
"When I say..."I am a Christian"
don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need someone to be my guide.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
and pray for strength to carry on.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
and cannot ever pay the debt.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
my flaws are too visible
but God believes I'm worth it.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
which is why I seek His name.
When I say..."I am a Christian"
I do not wish to judge.
I have no authority.
I only know I'm loved.
Friday, September 11, 2009
meh..... i do chores, but i dont get money. i also dont have an allowance. i have no income. im bankrupt. A wise person once said " a bankrupt Aquaria is not a happy Aquaria" wise words, people. wiiiiiise words.
lol XD XD XD
lol XD XD XD
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
whew.... havent posted in a long time. so on labors day weekend, i went fishing at this pond/lake thing. there were a TON of geese. i terrorized them for a looooong time, and after i took one step out of the park (it was time to leave) all the geese ( like 100) flew onto the pond and started honking. when i took my first step out!!!!! <.<
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
lalalalalaall dee da dee da..... i havent posted in a long time.....
oh, and cyan, zwinky carries spyware and viruses..... i checked O.O uh oh......
not much to say.... tokio hotel is more well known than i thought :D
oh, and cyan, zwinky carries spyware and viruses..... i checked O.O uh oh......
not much to say.... tokio hotel is more well known than i thought :D
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
school starts tomorrow... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!! and im not even on the same team as Raven... dang it. oh well^^ oh! and im typing this on my BRAND NEW LAPTOP!!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! lol...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
New York, New York :p
im in new york!!! to see my BFF cyan!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY im going to the metropolitan art thingy, and im going to watch a lion king play!!! cyan willl problably come!!! im going to sleep over at her house tomorrow!!!!! cause shes in New Jersey, and its super close to NY. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY YAAAAAAAAAAAY YAAAAAAAAAAAAY :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
New York, New York
im in new york right now... tomorrow i will be visiting my BFF cyan... and i will probably sleep over 2morrow!!!!! my dad is taking me on one of those double decker bus tours, and the metropolitan art museum. then im going to see the lion king play. cyan will probably come with me at all these!!!! yaaaaaay yaaaaaaaaaay yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Shoutout.... thingys
to Cyan: thas ok. i understand wat ur going through... something small like this will NOT make me give up on u. after all, u are my BFF. also, i think i know how to change ur blog back from hindi: go to ur dash board, and go to the top right area. there will be a drop down box, and it will say hindi- or it will have a bunch of hindi scribbles in the box.... click the drop down arrow and choose english, the very first one. i did not change ur blog to hindi... XD
to Jun: hiya :D ur a great friend!
to Watching: hope ur having fun at ur relatives house!
to Jun: hiya :D ur a great friend!
to Watching: hope ur having fun at ur relatives house!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah >:( ive been waiting and waiting and waiting for my laptop to come in the mail, and its still not here yet!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh
Monday, August 3, 2009
im getting a brand new laptop!!! its going to be a Dell studio 15... i wanted an Apple, but they're so dang expensive >.< my dad actually said yes to an apple, but i thought it was too expensive... TT______TT
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
sorry i havent posted ^^'.... soooo yeah.......... flooompa!!!!!
the new maximum ride book is going to be called Fang: a maximum ride novel!!! cant wait to read it. its coming out in 2010.
u know cyan, the first person to play Barney molested little children. one of the kids on the show commited suicide from all the abuse. later, when they arrested him, he wouldnt take off his suit and was dragged out and all the little kids on the streets were crying.
the new maximum ride book is going to be called Fang: a maximum ride novel!!! cant wait to read it. its coming out in 2010.
u know cyan, the first person to play Barney molested little children. one of the kids on the show commited suicide from all the abuse. later, when they arrested him, he wouldnt take off his suit and was dragged out and all the little kids on the streets were crying.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
to cyan
what the crap, cyan, wat the crap. why are u swearing???? and why the heck are u acting this way????? i dont control u. i cannot control u. but, so help me, if u blasphme about Christianity and the Lord Jesus, i will go and rip Elmos stinkin head off, do u hear me??? i know that u are upset about the move, but thats no reason to act like this. also, swearing DOES have bad meanings. the f word means "ppl mating". is that how u want to describe urself and elmo??? elmos world is an encouraging show designed to help little kids learn. ur making it sound like a swearing, obscene teens show. also, ur always going on about how ppl hate u and control u. did it EVER occur to u that sometimes, ur MAKING ppl hate u with the way u act?!? everyone wants to be nice and comfort u, but when u keep acting like this, some ppl are SICK of it. doesnt it occur to u that ur hurting me? dont u think im worried. no. no u dont. u just go on, and on, and on about ur misfortunes. dont u know how sad i am that ur gone? dont u think i care? then u go like " u cant control me. i can swear and do all kinds of idiotic stuff i want cause i wanna be cool and have ppl like me". for the life of me, i cant think of WHY anyone would want to "control" u.
Friday, July 17, 2009
wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble wubble
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
sooooo... i have not posted in a looooong time.... sorry. so busy.... or lazy...hehe. first, to adress some issues with me friends:
to jun: pls dont be mad. in the tribute to cyan thing, i never said u werent those things. u are. its just that cyan was moving, so i had to say nice things about her, not u cause u werent moving. i never said u werent those things. u are one of me BFFs. u are nice, kind, loyal, and more. dont get upset cause i said nice stuff about cyan.... she was moving, so it was a tribute... u know? follow me blog again?
to cyan: i dont care wat u are. u can be emo, goth, prep, and even... popular!!! but u will still be one of my 3 BFFs, kk? and just because u moved doesnt mean we cant be BFFs. im hoping u just had a bout of despair that day on AQ..... did u mean it? anyways, even if u dont wanna be my friend, u will be mine. Floooga!!! ^^
adressing the fight: ok, ok, i wont get involved in the fight. in my point of view, most of my involvement occurs on AQ.... so dont fight while im there. i feel left out and join in... -.-' whether u guys wanna be friends or not depends on u.... ill try my best not to get involved
if this is too personal, leave a comment and ill delete this post.
to jun: pls dont be mad. in the tribute to cyan thing, i never said u werent those things. u are. its just that cyan was moving, so i had to say nice things about her, not u cause u werent moving. i never said u werent those things. u are one of me BFFs. u are nice, kind, loyal, and more. dont get upset cause i said nice stuff about cyan.... she was moving, so it was a tribute... u know? follow me blog again?
to cyan: i dont care wat u are. u can be emo, goth, prep, and even... popular!!! but u will still be one of my 3 BFFs, kk? and just because u moved doesnt mean we cant be BFFs. im hoping u just had a bout of despair that day on AQ..... did u mean it? anyways, even if u dont wanna be my friend, u will be mine. Floooga!!! ^^
adressing the fight: ok, ok, i wont get involved in the fight. in my point of view, most of my involvement occurs on AQ.... so dont fight while im there. i feel left out and join in... -.-' whether u guys wanna be friends or not depends on u.... ill try my best not to get involved
if this is too personal, leave a comment and ill delete this post.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
In memory of Cyan: a tribute to my Best Friend Forever

my BFF for a looooooong time is moving today, on Independence day. im soooo sad. but Cyan, u were the best friend i could have. u understood my wierd craziness, u offered support, and above all, u were loyal. u didnt turn ur back, ever. thank u sooooo much. i am less... ummmmmmm.....
unAquaria-ish with u here. half of me is empty.
but u'll be here inside
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
yeah. i know, i havent posted in some time. i dunno wat to post, really. ho hum. BLUBBER!!!
yello = hello
mew= you
ok, thats it.......
yello = hello
mew= you
ok, thats it.......
Saturday, June 27, 2009
flooga moop
smergle swab flemble poogne spoolg spug. chumble spuzz schmeglo gloj. MLEMBO FLOGA PLOOG!!!!! smoog, fleebo mub. shembla hoogle flaag. sherm? mooplefo glreg.
Aquaria Longstream
Aquaria Longstream
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Paranormal
ok, so i was at Cyan's house, and we were talking about a show on Cartoon Network called The OtherSiders. its like a show about supernatrual stuff and ghosts. then we started researching things called poltergeists, and Cyan got freaked. it is pretty scary. like, u can create poltergeists with the power of your mind and your fear, so the poltergeist always follows u around and stuff. it throws stuff at u, and can even kill u. i even got spooked. yah... kinda creepy.
however, the effect was ruined when i was reminded that "poltergeists" sounds like "poultry"
i burst out laughing
however, the effect was ruined when i was reminded that "poltergeists" sounds like "poultry"
i burst out laughing
Saturday, June 20, 2009
D. Gray-man 14ths song
AWESOME SONG!!!! although i do not know a single thing bout d. gray-man, this is a great song... my friend cyan played it at my house on the piano... i like it alot even though i dont read the manga ^-^
fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo fifi foofoo
heehee... floompa
heehee... floompa
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Death Note: Another Note
the book above mentioned is a great book!!!! i read it at Cyans house... its great!!!! very complex, good depth, and it aaaaaalll comes together at the end... great book. i dont read Death Note, but this is a great book. B.B (Beyond Birthday) is awesome... heheh even though he's an enemy of L... and therefore Cyan... yeppo.
By the way, Cyan, ur in my AQ worlds account, arent u? u are. but thanks for the dragonslayer and Plum costume.... u dont know the password, do u??? u just helped me because it is in the "SAVE" right??? RIGHT??? pls dont hack, Cyan... :)
By the way, Cyan, ur in my AQ worlds account, arent u? u are. but thanks for the dragonslayer and Plum costume.... u dont know the password, do u??? u just helped me because it is in the "SAVE" right??? RIGHT??? pls dont hack, Cyan... :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
hanky the christmas poo
hahahahahahahahahahaha.......... a bit gross to the squeamish, but awesome all the same.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
jun jun, why u no follow me blog? me do something wrong. me know me didnt, but...
Please follow again, or otherwise tell why u are not following
Please follow again, or otherwise tell why u are not following
how do u want to die? my friend wants to die in a black hole. i want to die in battle, fighting. and none of that crap with guns and stuff. that really doesnt take much, skill, just pull the trigger and skulk around. no, i want to die in a REAL battle, with swords, pikes, lances, axes, stuff like that. i dont believe in modern wars and weaponry... it takes no honor and skill. sure, im not being all chivalrous and stuff: believe me, i enjoy quite a bit of stealth... in fact, i dont believe in chivalry. i mean, there are no rules in war, u do what u gotta do to win... right? but nowadays... no skill, training, nothing. just some "superior modern technology" and they can kill, right and left. although nuclear stuff IS kinda cool... yep
anyone know what would happen if u dug a giant hole to the core of the earth ( assuming that was possible, and no one would come to harm, the equiptment wont melt, blah blah blah) and dropped, like, 100 atomic and hydrogen bombs down there. cool, huh?
No, im not emo, goth, morbid, or suicidal. this stuff (weaponry, etc. not death) just interests me... i think its very interesting and..... picturesque.
anyone know what would happen if u dug a giant hole to the core of the earth ( assuming that was possible, and no one would come to harm, the equiptment wont melt, blah blah blah) and dropped, like, 100 atomic and hydrogen bombs down there. cool, huh?
No, im not emo, goth, morbid, or suicidal. this stuff (weaponry, etc. not death) just interests me... i think its very interesting and..... picturesque.
Monday, June 8, 2009
WOO Hoo!!! u know how i posted about me trying out for the orchestra thingie? i made it!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. i really didnt think i could do it but it turned out that i made it ... it was in the mail... im sure the songs will be hard, though...*waves arms in air*
Saturday, June 6, 2009
ThE NuMbeR 12
meh geh blwh hw dshfro 'wdfo8pufeywfeygopt jhrfowihfeq f[e'fgiqkDDBDWGC TODA IS TIFWO FEWWFFOW FEJI REDWALL DHF fkjwf kdse hello fsfhdhhhr maximum ride bleh bleh heheheheh heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee furple wumple chowder n!~!!!fidlwyfdfw dhefhwdl heello charlie charlie hey charlie candy mountain yaaaaaaaaaaaayf wfwhdwfjw jfoo sdifef fdofhdwohef 9
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
awsome dracs!!!
these are but a sample of the fantasy artist Ruth Thompson's dragon pics. u can see more at http://www.tarnishedimages.com/.

hello. its summer vacation!!!!! :) i LOOOOOOOOOVE vacations. sitting around, doing nothing, sigh. so awsome. hee hee
Monday, June 1, 2009
cool eggs- pokemon and dragon
there are (so far) 2 types of eggs i know that you can hatch- pokemon and dragon
Dragon eggs-www.dragcave.net
me like dragons!!!
Dragon eggs-www.dragcave.net
me like dragons!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
i hate strep throat
so, on tuesday after school, i came home with a sore throat. then, i got a really high fever, and i was in mucho pain. then, i went into a delirious sleep. i woke up at 2 in the morning screaming. on wednsday (is that how u spell it???), i missed school and went to the doctor. i had strep throat. so today, thursday, im missing school 2. GRRRR strep throat!!!! u do NOT want the fury and wrath of Aquaria Longstream upon u!!!!! i will hunt u down to the ends of the earths..... but for now, im lying in bed and eating chocolate XD.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
one of my 2 absolut BFF, Cyan, is moving
i will go and sob in a corner now
if any of u try to bother me, or, heavens forbid, pity me, i will rip all your entrails out and your face off as well.
i am deeply depressed
i will go and sob in a corner now
if any of u try to bother me, or, heavens forbid, pity me, i will rip all your entrails out and your face off as well.
i am deeply depressed
ok, so u know how tera and i are "friends" again? well, she got really angry at me for some reason, and she tried too attack me.
1. i can beat her at arm wrestleing with my LEFT hand, while she is using both hands
2. the teacher was there. me dont want to get in trouble
3. my mom would get mad if i kicked her and ruined my flip flops
I m not trying to brag and say im so strong and awsome or anything but really tera: wen u pick a fight, pick a fight with someone u can beat.
Also, CYAN and JUN: i will get preeeeeeeeetty (and i mean REALLY ) angry if u dudes still dont show me how to do the polls. plenty of others know, so its not like its a secret or anything. i dont see why my 2 BFFs cant show me how to do it
1. i can beat her at arm wrestleing with my LEFT hand, while she is using both hands
2. the teacher was there. me dont want to get in trouble
3. my mom would get mad if i kicked her and ruined my flip flops
I m not trying to brag and say im so strong and awsome or anything but really tera: wen u pick a fight, pick a fight with someone u can beat.
Also, CYAN and JUN: i will get preeeeeeeeetty (and i mean REALLY ) angry if u dudes still dont show me how to do the polls. plenty of others know, so its not like its a secret or anything. i dont see why my 2 BFFs cant show me how to do it
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
JUN!! why u no follow me and Cyans blogs??? we did somthing wrong? me did not mean to. me sorry. me very sorry. me not even know what me did wrong!!! me bery very sorry. Jun forgive? Jun follow me blog again??? please???
u know, my comp is not letting pick up a bunch of post on other ppls blogs. like, on my dashboard, it tells me all the new posts of the ppl i follow. but when i go to their blog, its not there. but i know its from them, because one of the missing posts was a pic of me friend Cyan. it looked exactly like her, but when i got to akatsuki place (her blog) it wasn't there. anyone who can give me advice, give it!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
cool new gamie thing at the VERY bottom of the page. Is only good if u play in full screen mode, otherwise bleh.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
cookie for a soul?
would u trade ur soul in for your favorite, best tasting giant cookie? the cookie never runs out, and is the best cookie in the world. would u trade your soul in?
i would :3
i would :3
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
urgh!!!ok, i play the viola (VIOLA, not violin...) i started a private teacher about seven months ago, and im on suzuki book 3 now, or at least i just started book three. thats pretty fast proggress, no? but now, im supposd to join a symphony thing for people who have played for THREE!!! years, and are on book 4. now, im auditioning with a song from book 4... im not a bad player, i even think im pretty good, because im in my schools chamber orchestra and everything, but im not up to this!!! oh well. ill give it a try. if i make it, ill tell u dudes.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
uweuauoiulaufl dfijfdos jfojfajfiojfidfjojadiofdjfoadjfosidfweoyitewr aaaaaaaaaaaafgfdghtuytaeytru6y8ip;/./mgjadsfgdhfshshghhdet3tq465rrfsytu5hh43dfsf3f3trgfdtfwryuiiiki78098kjtgggwfwggasdfdeggfdder gedfg fgdgfdgdertryyjhmhjltyrt2sdvcvfvhnbyu678678
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
tokio hotel is a good band, i like them. this is onen of their songs, Ready, Set, Go. try it out!
by tokio hotel :)
i know they kind of look wierd and goth, but they are a good band.
by tokio hotel :)
i know they kind of look wierd and goth, but they are a good band.
Friday, May 1, 2009
neah neah neah neah neeeeaaah nyeeeeh niaaaaa foo fii fooo fii foo fii foo fii foo fii fooooffffiii foofu ehluedf;ahfd kf hdwkgyhukfghawkudfhukfhaskud fhsdxkfasdhgchcaisxfh sdex f keqdhf55g cdwggcbwd cddud3h5fhd3jfh fedbfkdegvjd6 cedufd de 6d6edh6d6ek6d6jdehfh b6 hkc dkcutdw 2 cbjdgcd13e7ir1ei5gbxc5vm46254469554834654v6n51be6r 164hed56k gf4k56fh4ed6fhql .efgd6fltg6. de6fh6delfg666666666666dr
snrykle samas gruntleoos grutefus surgan sfoo. togan smaga gurglefe arened twiggle smek foaa.
sevse aceree treageon nossaa gracion galactira ganicer. smellk sedne grakkkle.
Aquaria Longstream
snrykle samas gruntleoos grutefus surgan sfoo. togan smaga gurglefe arened twiggle smek foaa.
sevse aceree treageon nossaa gracion galactira ganicer. smellk sedne grakkkle.
Aquaria Longstream
Sunday, April 26, 2009
random list
torturing enemies
the enviroment
maximum ride
the iphone
more food
more bacon
more mutton
precious gemstones for dessert
the pig scrolls
crazy frog
enemies for torturing
medeival stuff
sharp sharp sharp things
claymore the book
claymore the weapon
bows and arrows
more food
darkness (no light)
torturing enemies
the enviroment
maximum ride
the iphone
more food
more bacon
more mutton
precious gemstones for dessert
the pig scrolls
crazy frog
enemies for torturing
medeival stuff
sharp sharp sharp things
claymore the book
claymore the weapon
bows and arrows
more food
darkness (no light)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
shcmurna schmurna schmurna schmurna gurgle BLOOP BLOOP SCHMURNNNNAAAA....
so, i finally caved in to ravens begging and was friends again with that disaster tera, whom i will now refer to as It. It is being a total and complete butthead, arguing over nothing. i hate It.
it makes me glad that i have true friends: Cyan and Jun. they have supported me all the way, so thanx guys. ur the best. everyone should have friends like these. they havent betrayed me like It, or sometimes raven. dudes, ur awsome. thanx. in honor of my friends, i would like to say a few words.
in this world, nothing is as it seems. everyone is betraying each other. no one has true friendship. above all, the enviorment and economy is going down. soon we will be nothing but a barren wasteland. do u know wat we need to do? we need to eat lots and lots and lots of pie. pie is the thing that will save the world. cheese is the side kick of pie. eat lots of cheese too. in fact, eat everything. then we'll all be fat and chubby. thank you.
it makes me glad that i have true friends: Cyan and Jun. they have supported me all the way, so thanx guys. ur the best. everyone should have friends like these. they havent betrayed me like It, or sometimes raven. dudes, ur awsome. thanx. in honor of my friends, i would like to say a few words.
in this world, nothing is as it seems. everyone is betraying each other. no one has true friendship. above all, the enviorment and economy is going down. soon we will be nothing but a barren wasteland. do u know wat we need to do? we need to eat lots and lots and lots of pie. pie is the thing that will save the world. cheese is the side kick of pie. eat lots of cheese too. in fact, eat everything. then we'll all be fat and chubby. thank you.
Monday, April 13, 2009
soo... much... pressure...... cant...take...it...any...more.........
screammmmmm... snarl growl arrrrrggggghhhhhh
soo... much... pressure...... cant...take...it...any...more.........
screammmmmm... snarl growl arrrrrggggghhhhhh
Friday, April 10, 2009
the annual or monthly or weekly or daily or hourly or minutely or secondly or millisecondly cheese reviews!!!!!
first of all, brie is my fave cheese. it is nice, soft and creamy. also, camembert is quite similar to brie, except slightly nutty. both are fresh cheeses. u can tell wen a brie is soft when it is soft and the sides are bulging. older cheeses have a sharper tastes, such as cheddar. asiago is a favorite on bagels.
well, see you again for the annual or monthly or weekly or daily or hourly or minutely or secondly or millisecondly cheese reviews!!!!!
well, see you again for the annual or monthly or weekly or daily or hourly or minutely or secondly or millisecondly cheese reviews!!!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
redwall are the best books ever. its an amazing series. perfect for war and animal lovers. there are about 25 or so books in the series. read it before i rip your guts out and make you eat them. READ IT!!!! i am dead serious. ive read millions of books, and these are the BEST OF THE BEST. read it, everyone!!!!!!! go to http://www.redwall.org/ NOW!!!
Yo followers and comrades
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
new manga interest!!!
i've never been the one to go for all the manga. my 2 BFF's (Jun and Cyan) really love it though.
but today, i have a new manga interest. it's called Claymore. its pretty good. Cyan, Jun, check it out and tell me what you think.
i finally made advances in my manga interests! :)
but today, i have a new manga interest. it's called Claymore. its pretty good. Cyan, Jun, check it out and tell me what you think.
i finally made advances in my manga interests! :)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
urgan foo.
urgan foo, sograny erple mryl. sncycle shnodder, werag toraa. sograny foogan togra dron sdrodo. sneklem ermk sycele.
thank you.
thank you.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Find the messages!
list all the messages on a comment and i will spare your life when i take over the world.
Have a nice day
list all the messages on a comment and i will spare your life when i take over the world.
Have a nice day
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pi = 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
i have not posted in 9,939,847,736,548,484,846,098,675,143,988,938,944,765,342,785,875,953,765,076,987,548,985,352,117,975,042,094 years!!!!!! sorry. ive been so busy, and emo elmo abducted me for a while. help me decide between krakatoa or the great barrier reef!! for a school project
Sunday, January 25, 2009
charlie. shoe charlie leopleradon lalalalalalal pla lalalala chaaaaarrrrrlie banana in your ear. blblblblblob lblblblblbl magical leopleridon banana chugga chugga shoeshoe
Thursday, January 15, 2009
ok, i don't have a lot of time anymore to post. i can only post on the weekends, or so. i might have 1 or 2 a week. thanks, Cyan, for reminding me!!!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Name: Your Name Here
Favourite Food: Your Food Here
Adopted on: The Date Here
Ginny's Adoptables!
Name: Your Name Here
Favourite Food: Your Food Here
Adopted on: The Date Here
Ginny's Adoptables!
Name: Your Name Here
Favourite Food: Your Food Here
Adopted on: The Date Here
Ginny's Adoptables!
Name: Your Name Here
Favourite Food: Your Food Here
Adopted on: The Date Here
Ginny's Adoptables!
Name: Your Name Here
Favourite Food: Your Food Here
Adopted on: The Date Here
Ginny's Adoptables!
Name: Your Name Here
Favourite Food: Your Food Here
Adopted on: The Date Here
Ginny's Adoptables!
Name: Your Name Here
Favourite Food: Your Food Here
Adopted on: The Date Here
Ginny's Adoptables!
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